5 Tips to Move Forward and Get Beyond Self-Doubt

We’ve all been there – sitting at our desks, staring at the computer screen, trying to figure out how we got here. How did we get to this place where we feel like we just don’t know what we’re doing anymore? Or, why? It comes crashing in. The heavy thoughts. The silence that’s surrounding us. The fear that is keeping us from moving forward. So how do you get out of here – this place of self-doubt? How do you move forward and get beyond self-doubt?

Tip 1 – Don’t Be Ashamed

Having self-doubt at times is normal. You may have a certain vision of what success looks like for you. When we reach a measure of success, we may begin to doubt if we can go further or if we’ve reached our peak. If we haven’t reached that level yet and, we’ve been working on our goals for some time, we may feel we’re falling short. Either way, these feelings can cause you to feel ashamed. Don’t be or stay ashamed of yourself. You’ve come this far and that’s nothing to be ashamed about.

Tip 2 – Record and Review Your Successes

Take a moment and reflect on the previous days, weeks, months. List your successes, no matter how big or small. While you’re listing them, reflect on how they have gotten you and your business to the next level. Every success is a stepping stone along the path to your continued growth. This is a good time to remember and celebrate them.

Tip 3 – Set New Goals

Now is a good opportunity to face your fears and acknowledge them. Then breathe, clear your mind, and refocus your mental efforts on new goals you can set for yourself. What is something you can do within the next 24hrs to keep moving you forward? What can you do within the next week? Month? Write them down, but be realistic, and get ready to move forward.

Tip 4 – Stop Comparing

Let’s face it…we’ve all compared ourselves to someone else. We don’t always know what it took for that person to achieve their goals or successes. There are, often times, more trials and challenges than triumphs. We don’t know their story, not intimately. Comparing our life and successes to an incomplete picture won’t help you complete yours. Take a look at your own picture, envision what it will take to complete it, and then go back to Tips 2 and 3.

Tip 5 – Move Forward

You have one more thing to do…move forward. Staying in a place of self-doubt certainly won’t get you anywhere. Staying stagnant call stall your creativity. That’s when you have to go back to Tip 3.

You can move forward and get beyond self-doubt. So do it.

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