Don’t Forget Your “WHY”: Staying Motivated and Inspired

Don't Forget Your "Why"

“Life-fulfilling work is never about the money — when you feel true passion for something, you instinctively find ways to nurture it.” – Eileen Fisher

It all started with a goal.  Maybe you discovered that you have an amazing talent that was worth sharing with the world.  Or perhaps a particular female leader was an inspiration to you.  You said to yourself, “That’s who I want to be.  That’s what I want to do.”  Whatever the case, you found your true passion, made a goal, and set out to achieve it.

You’ve mapped out all of the fine details, every step needed to get there, the finished product a flashing visual in your head.  But it’s taking way too long.  Or maybe you’ve hit a roadblock or two.

It’s so easy to feel discouraged.  You want to achieve that goal, and you want it done yesterday.  You begin to lack motivation, losing sight of the bigger picture.  It’s not all about that target you hope to hit sooner rather than later.  It’s the “why” of the goal that you so easily lost sight of.

What inspires you?  What makes you passionate? Excited?  What motivated you to pursue the endeavor initially?  How can you stay motivated as you continue?

Enjoy every win
Sure, that big win at the end of the road is great.  It’s what you are striving for after all.  However, take time to get excited about all of the small wins.  Every little accomplishment is something to feel good about.

Keep Learning
Don’t see every mistake as a failure.  Focus on what each experience teaches you.  I can guarantee those successful women who have inspired you made mistakes.  But every mistake, every failure is a learning experience that will only help you grow into someone who can achieve even more than you ever thought possible.

Most importantly, never forget your “why”
Forget about “what” you want, or “when” you want it.  Remember “why” you want it.  How will achieving your goal better your business?  How will it improve the lives of others?  How will it change the world?


  • Jere Kauo

    Reply Reply 10 July 2016

    Some seriously wonderful articles on this web page, appreciate it for contribution.

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